

So grateful!

Today marks 5 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I am so grateful. I know it seems like we all know someone who has had breast cancer (thankfully there are so many survivors), but to a 34-year old woman who found a scary-feeling lump in her breast, hearing that the lump is malignant is a huge blow. Reading great survival statistics doesn’t mean much when the “breast cancer friends” you’ve made become crippled and suffer incredible pain before leaving this world and their small children behind.

I’m grateful to a friend who welcomed me onto her 3-day team back in 2007. I had no knowledge of the breast cancer growing inside of me when I walked in 2007, and no knowledge that I was carrying the BRCA1 mutation. When I found the lump a few months later, I was not afraid to make an appointment quickly to have it checked…and I had my own breast cancer network thanks to my first 3-Day walk. Early diagnosis is key for survival, and I thank my lucky stars that my cancer was found at Stage 1.

I’m grateful the women who have walked and fundraised before me. Their work led to better treatments, better awareness, and better detection. I'm grateful for all the memories made with family and friends in this event over the years (Julie and Joann, Wendy, Sherri, Kathy, Therese, Sakura, Laurie, Becky, Cindy, Tammy.) Training through chemo for my 2nd 60 miles was a great way to direct my mind to postive things.

I'm grateful for my first, very positive, phone conversation with a survivor (Ellyn).  I thought she was crazy, she was so positive and enthusiastic about treatment and recovery, but she was right. I'm thankful for friendships made during chemo. Missy brings a light wherever she goes, and that plain and bland chemo room was never so bright as when she was there.

I am grateful to the people who have donated to our cause. Together they've helped me raise over $40,000 since 2007. My teams have collected over half a million dollars since we have started walking! Every year I wonder if we can do it, and every year these partners say YES! It's very fulfilling to now be raising up a whole new generation of warriors with the 3-Day Youth Corps. I'm excited to shepherd them through 3 days of inspiration and service.

I'm most grateful for family. I have the best sisters, loving and supportive aunts and uncles and cousins. I'm grateful for my sweet nieces and nephews - many who entered this world in the midst of the craziest time for our family and brought us such joy in the middle of a bunch of turmoil. I have a calm brother-in-law who read my results and went over them with me, a brother-in-law who moved across the country to raise his family closer to mine, two beautiful and loving sisters-in-laws and their families…I am blessed.

It's been a blessing to share these 5 years with my children. My silly 2nd grader – who became so serious so quickly – has morphed into a beautiful, hard-working, conscientious, confident, and yet again silly 7th grader who can run like the wind. My spunky kindergartener is turning into a gorgeous and gifted 11 year old. My baby, who was just 2 years old when this all started – is now a big and strong 7 year old…just as sweet, and loving and kind as he is physical and all boy.

My husband loved me bald, menopausal, and with a deformed chest, and menopausal, and held our whole family so close that we came out the other side even better than before. Everyone should be so lucky to have a husband who stays up all night long emailing researchers and becoming an honorary oncologist with all of his inquiries! Your mother is smiling down on you, my love.

No long epistle is complete without a request to take action…and again my friends, here I am, joining that 3-day pink ribbon. This year I will be again leading the Youth Corps into 3+ days of service during the Michigan 3-day…hoping that they will be inspired to serve and to see that even if cancer touches your life, you can still spread hope and have great joy. My husband will continue to walk and raise money in the hope that if any of his children have inherited my bum BRCA1 gene, we will have made a difference in breast cancer detection and treatment that will benefit them. As always, our gratefulness and thanks to you for standing with us for 5 straight years!