
Exciting bedtimes in the Lucken house

Someday in the future, I want to remember how I was putting Emma to bed last night... it was exactly like this, which I saw the other day - playful singing with a big exciting surprise included. She kept asking me to do it again...and again...and again. At the end, I said, "Now, have you been put to bed with the respect you deserve, having been my daughter for 10 years, 3 months, and 19 days?"

She smiled sweetly and said, "No. Only after you do this 10 more times." Meanwhile, my dog looked at me with a look that said, "Are you DONE yet?" and Katie came storming upstairs to demand the same mistreatment (which she got, of course). I love these moments with my kids!

In other news, we've started a new hobby, and here's a sneak peak. Exciting times ahead.


Cathy said...

I LOVE IT!!! So suspenseful!

Amy said...

Nice way to let others know of your habits!

Amy said...

PS- The Kays cannot put their child to bed in such a manner- he would never go to sleep! He was laughing like crazy tonight when I sang him "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"