
I think I have a tie for the WORST COMMENT said to me about my breast cancer diagnosis and treatment! The WORST comment (makes me feel better to put it in all caps) was said to me at Emma's First Communion. I believe the person was trying to wish me well when she said, "I hope you make it to ALL of your children's First Communions." (I hope so! Katie's is only 2 years away!)

Here's the newest comment...from a neighbor (distant neighbor) I met today. She was encouraging me to tear out all of the buckthorn in my yard (invasive species) and I mentioned, since I'm sure she saw I was bald under the baseball cap, that I was going through chemo this summer and that I would be doing my best, but probably wouldn't tackle it all this summer. She said she was sorry to hear it, and asked me, "Are you going to make it?" (What I wish I could have said was "I think so, are you?")

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