
Log your miles, help support those dealing with breast cancer

My friend Ellyn found this website, beewellmiles.com, which is sponsored by Bumble Bee Foods. At the website, you can log and track the miles that you walk, map your route, read articles about tips and training...even play "heart healthy Sudoku" (seems funny to add that on to the site - walk and do healthy things, or play sudoku on the computer? But I bet I'll try that too!) They are "collecting" miles up until September 30th, and will donate up to $200,000 to the Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization, which provides a hotline and support for people going through breast cancer and treatment.

It seems like a pretty fun little website...and I always like to keep track of various training-related totals as it makes me feel good about myself! It is fun to see those miles add up, though.

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