
Blown away

One of the presents I give Bill for Christmas, every year (the cat is out of the bag, as I have done this for about 5 years now), is a calendar with a year's worth of pictures. Last year I started making a photo book also, as we had a lot of pictures I wanted to use. I usually start this project in early December and work like a maniac to get it finished so that it can ship in time for the big day.

This year, I've been working on our book for about a week, and I am completely BLOWN AWAY by our year. Our monthly photo folders are LOADED with fun times - from my diagnosis time in February all the way to this moment. In the middle of all of these doctors' appointments, surgeries, chemo weeks - EVERYTHING - we've managed to squeeze in so many smiles and happy times. I guess I knew I was making a bigger effort to find the fun in everyday life, but to have such tangible evidence is staggering. This year's book is going to blow last year's book, and all those calendars from the years before that, out of the water!

We've been to Disney World, to the Great Wolf Lodge, to Niagara Falls, to Evanston twice...not huge trips but still, so much fun considering what we were up against! We have loads of family party pictures, celebrating birthdays, pictures of us on everyday nature walks...we got a puppy, I have pictures at field day, swimming all summer, the cottages. I know it sounds like a normal year with nothing really supersonic, but to me, having lived through what could have been a nightmare and looking back and seeing only sunshine is amazing. (And I know, Amy, that word is overused...but aren't you AMAZED? And you should be, because all the time I spent with you and my nephew this year made it so sunshiney!)


Amy said...

I think your posts are AMAZING!!!!

Anonymous said...

and you'll have a bunch more of those great pics in the future!
lori b