
Breast Cancer Evidence Watch

Since my breast cancer diagnosis in February of 2008 (11 months ago), my husband has become somewhat of an avid reader of breast cancer research. That is putting it mildly...he is always telling me about something new - whether it is something about my own situation (triple negative breast cancer, BRCA1 genetic defect, non-basal breast cancer, or just plain old invasive ductal carcinoma) or something pertaining to breast cancer in general.

In general, we are reading things that are a bit more specific and scientific...by now we aren't swooning every time we read somethng in the local paper, on msn.com, or in other mass media publications about breast cancer. There are so many places to find information, and so much weeding through needs to be done to get to the basic, nitty-gritty facts. Where can you go for news that is up-to-the-minute, scientifically precise and accurate, and with good recommendations for my unique type of breast cancer (because everyone's breast cancer has so many unique variables, it can be confusing)?

From all of these months of research, this is our very favorite site: http://breastcancer.evidencewatch.com/

The medical researcher who put this site together is an amazing man (one of our cancer heroes) - composing documents on effective CAMs (Complementary Alternative Medicines) based on hundreds of research articles. His advice has led to a pretty decent daily dosage of vitamin supplements for me, and he has had an opinion on every question my husband has ever come across.

We love doing whatever we can do to prevent a recurrence, and feel lucky to have come across this website, and this very knowledgeable individual!

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