
I'm still here...

Here's a quick update:

We had a fun weekend with playdates, soccer games, and general busy-ness.
I'm not happy with my baldness, but people have been so much more than nice about it. I wish I could bring Katie's teacher with me everywhere, she is so good for my self-esteem!
I am compensating for my baldness by doing more domestic things, and taking it to the extreme. I'm not someone who likes to cook or does it often (plus, it is so not gratifying to cook for 3 children who don't want to try something new), but suddenly I just tried 7 new recipes in about 7 consecutive days - sometimes 2 in one day, because I am like that. All or nothing.

Anyway, I think part of it is compensating...since I look androgynous I want to do something more associated with homemaking/motherliness - making dinner every night. I think also that after feeling so sick for 5 days and not wanting to eat, when I felt better suddenly EVERYTHING looked good to eat. I was devouring recipes with my eyes.

I was even staying away from aggressive gardening since I didn't want to be all masculine with no hair, throwing things around in the yard...but then I started to get nervous about chemo coming up and the perfect way to forget about that is lots of gardening. I am not kidding when I tell you that in the past 3 days I have pulled out more than 700 dandelions (only 100 of them were in my yard, since I pulled out more than 3300 last year here...yes, I like to count them as I pull them out, it makes me feel good about myself). Does anyone have any dandelions they need picked in their yard? I've got one more day before chemo starts and it keeps my mind off of it...

Amy and Matthew are coming tomorrow!

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