
More reasons

My friend, Ellyn, had the same feelings that I did, and as soon as she got back on her blog from the walk, urged people to keep on fighting for a cure, and to be advocates for our own health.

Read it! She mentions two people she encountered during her Michigan 3-day experience, and their stories alone are enough to make me walk, and walk, and walk, and walk, and walk...I hope you will join me in 2009. I can promise lots of dance parties and laughter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pam, Susan B. here. It was great to meet you in the "stretch area" of camp. I've told my friend Kim about you and your awesome offer to be a sounding board as she goes through her treatment. If she doesn't call you in the next week or so, let me know and maybe we can approach in reverse. My email is gcbsbb@earthlink.net. Thanks so much for all you are doing!