
Feeling better

I am happy to say that things are looking up a bit...and I am so relieved! I was trying to deal as best as I could, but it was practically impossible! I'm sorry if I worried any readers with my miserable last post or two.

I am so thankful for my sisters! Julie, Tyler and Natalie came in on Friday, and I was feeling too badly to even see them after their cross-country flight from San Francisco, which tells me how bad it all was. Normally nothing would keep me from seeing them, first thing. They were here through all the badness of Saturday and Sunday, bringing sunshine and smiles to all three of my children...and were here all day yesterday as well. Thanks to my dear sister Amy as well for listening to me as I just sobbed on the phone! Now that I am feeling a little better J, T, and N will take a little trip to Evanston to visit A, C, and M - the cousins will meet for the first time!

I am also so thankful for all of the rides for the Lucken children, and for the dinners. You have no idea how nice it is to have something good to feed your family when you are either too nauseous or tired to prepare food yourself!

If things go the same next time (as they normally would), at least I know it is only about 3 really bad days and 2 days of in-and-out badness. I have also scheduled some healing touch therapy for the day following chemo, and am going to look into acupuncture as well. Overall, though, I am so thankful and relieved that the misery doesn't go on forever! I think I can even handle doing it again, just knowing that the misery is finite. (Good thing, as I have 5 rounds to go!)

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